Though market conditions for multi-family housing continue to worsen, the decline is slowing, according to the Washington, D.C.-based National Multi Housing Council (NMHC). Now’s the perfect time to gain some ground – sharpen your property management skills and attract new renters, satisfy your current tenants, and keep your head above water.
“In these troubling times, professional management of multi-family assets has never been so important,” says Matthew D. Summers, president of management at Houston-based Kaplan Management Co. Inc. If you’re facing evictions, delinquent payments, or other troubling situations, check out these five steps for smooth tenant relations. Your tenants (and your bottom line) will thank you.
1. Excel in Customer Service
“Residents should be treated as if they were living in a five-star hotel,” says Summers. “Unparalleled customer service is the key to having happy residents who stay put and refer others.” Other apartment managers agree. “Nothing can replace a friendly, customer-service-oriented property staff,” says Fran Turano, education and advice specialist for the California Apartment Association (CAA) and on-site property manager at Radio Apartments in San Jose, CA. “People will always need a place to live and call home, and rental property owners and managers will always have the opportunity to provide that to millions of Americans,” she says. Practiced and professional customer service could ensure that renters choose yourfacilities.