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Property Manager Winnetka


The proverb “a stitch in time saves nine” is very appropriate to the upkeep of an investment property. A little effort applied sooner to fix a small problem, prevents it from becoming a larger problem later! Some property owners resent spending money to maintain their investment property and this response can sometimes lead to very expensive repairs. A regular inspection program presents the opportunity to identify potential problems before they become major expenses.

Let’s look at the first case study located at Woodville South Australia. At a quarterly inspection, careful inspection and tapping of the lower row of tiles in the shower alcove revealed a drumming noise indicating that tile adhesive was loose and when the tile was removed a pin hole leak in the copper pipe was revealed. In this case, early detection and prompt repairs avoided further damage to the tiled area before it seeped to the reverse side of the wall which faced into a passageway and the outcome was that a potential major expense was minimised.

The second case study is at a property located at Brighton, South Australia. Here, deterioration of the silicon seal between the kitchen wall tiles and the edge of the laminated bench top was identified before water spills and splashes caused swelling to the bench top. The outcome: prompt identification and a small job carried out by a handyman avoided an expensive replacement.

The third case study property is located at Fulham, South Australia where the property was rented as the Owner/Occupier transferred interstate for two years and rented out the family home. The new tenant had moved into the property one month before very heavy winter rains hit.

The front gutters were blocked by a build-up of leaves and together with the gutters sagging through age and lack of maintenance led to an overflow into the eaves which then went into the internal roof space and ceilings. The Outcome was replacement of the gutter and expensive repairs to ceilings and cornices.

Your investment property tip: Always protect your capital investment especially if it’s the family home that you intend to return to one day. Reduce property maintenance expenses by carrying out regular inspections, checking for minor problems before they become major expenses. Engage people who are experienced at home maintenance inspections and attend inspections yourself where ever possible. Clean gutters regularly and consider installing leaf guards, check the ‘fall’ of your gutters to avoid water pooling. Take the time to check wet areas including tiled areas, laminated bench tops and vanity units.

Don’t resent genuine maintenance requests from tenants as it’s in your best interests to keep your property in good acceptable condition that will keep your tenant satisfied.

The sort of tenants who report these issues are ones who care whilst those tenants who neglect reporting minor problems usually don’t care about the general upkeep and care of your property.


Carnahan Property Management Services Woodland Hills,West Hills,Bell Canyon, Hidden Hills, Calabasas, Canoga Park, Tarzana, Reseda, Topanga, Encino, Northridge, Van Nuys, North Hills,Chatsworth, Sherman Oaks, Studio City, North Hollywood, West Hollywood, San Fernando Valley, Granada Hills, Mission Hills, Simi Valley, WestLake Village, Agoura, Toluca Lake, Valley Village, Burbank. Call us at (818) 884-1500

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