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Property Management-Granada Hills

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What Is a Property Manager?

A property manager is one who is responsible for the selling, leasing, transferring and operating of real estate property. They will act as liaisons between a number of different groups of people involved with the real estate property and ensure that the real estate operations and transfers go smoothly.

What Are the General Responsibilities of a Property Manager?

A property manager must tackle many general responsibilities on a daily basis. Their main priority is ensuring that the specific real estate property is handled and managed as effectively as possible. They are also responsible for managing other property employees to aid them in completing their duties. The property manager can handle a variety of different property types such as residential, commercial and industrial.


What Are the Specific Duties of a Property Manager?

There are a multitude of specific duties which a property manager needs to fulfill in the role of their employment. The first duty related to being a property manager is the leasing or selling of a real estate property. In order to engage in the leasing or selling of the property, the property manager must make necessary marketing contacts to have the property listed so that the general public can show interest in leasing or buying the property. Once prospective tenants or purchasers have responded to an ad placed by the property manager, that individual is then responsible for showing the property to the interested parties and relaying all of the pertinent information regarding the property to those individuals.

The property manager also must deal with a great amount of paperwork in their position. Some pertinent documents which need to be completed by the property manager include lease agreements, purchase and sale agreements, rules and regulations, and contract work documents such as maintenance and repair work orders. Once the paperwork is completed the property manager must then be sure to file the documents with necessary parties and keep records thereof in a neat, orderly manner.

An individual who is a property manager will also be responsible for analyzing quite a bit of pertinent data. There are many documents and information which property managers review on a daily basis. Items such as zoning regulations, tenant laws, federal laws, tax information, property values and more are all things which a property manager should review on a frequent basis. This will aid the property manager in doing their job to the best of their ability and ensuring that they are up to date on all current information relating to their property and real estate in general.

The property manager is also in charge of employees that work at the specific property. This includes leasing agents, maintenance workers and more. The property manager will oversee the work that these individuals do, address any complaints or concerns issued by the employees and take care of payroll for such employees. This individual is the head of the property office in many cases and is the one which other employees at the property must answer to.

With regard to tenants and owners at the property, the property manager is whom they will most likely address their concerns with should they have any issues which arise concerning their tenancy or ownership at the property. Some issues which the property manager will need to address with the tenants and/or owners include maintenance, security and overall functioning of the property.

The property manager is also the individual who is responsible for inspecting the property to ensure that everything is in working order and contact repair workers should anything need to be fixed on the property. The property manager should be able to take a proactive role with regard to fixing items and making frequent inspections to see that everything is working in a safe and appropriate manner.

Lastly, the property manager is one who acts as a liaison between tenants and the building owners or employees and the building owners. The specific duty of the property manager in this regard is to ensure that all parties correspond appropriately and work out any misunderstandings or grievances when necessary to do so.

Author : Exforsys Inc.

Since 1946 the Carnahan name has had a reputation for honest and ethical Real Estate Property Management services in the San Fernando Valley, Santa Clarita Valley, Burbank/Glendale, Los Angeles, Westside and Conejo Valley areas.

The reason for our success is helping owners like you when they need it. Below is a partial list of property management services we provide to help you protect your real estate investment.

Call or e-mail us today for more information. We’re ready to get started!

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