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Property Management in Calabasas

Calabasas Property Management

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Moving into a rental home can be challenging and hard on your body, if you’re not careful.

Treat yourself right and prepare to move safely and a bit more easily by planning ahead.

Follow these tips to make the move into your rental home a safer one.

Pack light
Make sure when you are packing that each box is light enough to be carried. Keep in mind that over-packing boxes can cause back strain or other injuries. You might have more boxes to place on the moving truck, but your back will thank you for keeping the weight of each one down.

Limber up
You don’t want to pull a muscle during your move. Some basic stretching exercises at the start of moving day will help prevent injury and keep you from feeling overly sore the next day.

Mind your back
Be aware of how you move when you are moving to protect your back. Lift boxes with your legs and not with your back. Avoid sudden twisting and jerking that can cause pain. Turn with your whole body and not just from your waist. Keeping these tips in mind could keep you from throwing out your back.

Use the proper tools
Renting a dolly or hand truck can save you the strain of carrying boxes and make your move go much faster. For large appliances, use an appliance dolly to aid your move, for instance.

Hire professionals for specialty items
If you have a large or awkward item to move, such as a piano or a large antique, don’t try to move it on your own. Hire a professional mover that specializes in such items to make sure the item does not get damaged.

Take a walk around the property
The day before you move, walk around the rental home and evaluate any tricky areas. These may include uneven sidewalks or steps. Make sure everyone in your moving party knows about these patchy spots. Also clear any obstacles that might get in your way during the move, such as overgrown bushes or fallen tree limbs.

Dress appropriately
Make sure you dress comfortably in clothes that are appropriate for the weather and easy to move around in. Avoid loose-fitting clothes with hanging sleeves or shirttails which might get caught while moving.

Wear sturdy, slip-resistant shoes that will protect your feet if you accidently drop something. It is also a good idea to have a pair of work gloves handy in case you need to handle rough items or items with sharp corners.

Have a first aid kit ready
You don’t know what might happen during the move, and it’s a good idea to play it safe. Keep a basic first aid kit on hand filled with items such as band aids, Neosporin, Ibuprofen, and the like. Also keep a charged cell phone with you in case you have to make an emergency call.

Fuel your body
The last thing you want during your move is to feel dizzy or light-headed. Be sure to stay well-hydrated and keep plenty of nutritious snacks available to energize you and your fellow movers.

Keep kids and pets safely out of the way
Little ones — whether they have two feet or four! — can get underfoot during a move. Arrange for a sitter at a separate location, if possible, or block off an area of the rental home to be a kid- or pet-safe zone for the duration of the move.

Go at your own pace
Your move is not a race. Don’t attempt to set a land-speed record for fastest move! Take it slow and steady, stopping for breaks when you need them.

A safe and healthy move is within your grasp if you plan ahead and follow the safety tips mentioned here. After all, you want to be healthy enough to enjoy your new rental home!

By Amber from

Carnahan Property Management services Woodland Hills,West Hills, Calabasas, Canoga Park, Tarzana, Reseda, Topanga, Encino, Northridge, Van Nuys,North Hills,Chatsworth, Sherman Oaks, Studio City, North Hollywood, West Hollywood, San Fernando, Granada Hills, Mission Hills, Simi Valley, West Lake Village, Agoura,Toluca Lake, Valley Village, Burbank.

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